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Thursday, 27 September 2007

...and gone again by afternoon!!!

what began as a sun washed, bright morn gave way to a grey, overcast afternoon what with the dark, looming clouds that kept gathering and soon broke off and pelted upon us as huge big drops....thankfully, i didnt break my bones while sprinting home from the bus stop!

the verdant greens from my class windows still beckoned today, while the breeze broke free. what a heavenly place!

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

The Sun is back!

......and the sun shone today.....broke through the clouds bathing the whole town with its warm, golden rays. after days of bearing up with the fury unleashed by the monsoons, the rosy tinge to the dawn sky was scintillating....'twas as if God, the ultimate painter, was stunned by the beauty too and accidentally spilled the crimson paint jar across his canvas - the sky! and the colour gradually stained the wispy, cottony clouds......making it look like candy floss!

the breeze too ran amok, in gay abandon as if in wild glee, welcoming the warmth. Scented with a multitude of fragrances that it picked up on the way, it flowed freely all over...carrying with it the whispers of the sheafs of 'teenaged' paddy that grew in the fields and the perfume of some wild blooms......So magical, that a when a whiff reached my nostrils, i had to stop my teaching and simply take a deep, long breath and fill my lungs......and never let it go. I asked my kids to forget english for awhile and enjoy the magical moment!!! phew.......what a day!

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

child n man

'Glory lies not in never falling, but rising up everytime you fall'.

how absolutely true! this was the 'thought for the day' at school a few days back and our Principal pointed this out in such a simple way. as babies, we never rested until we'd learnt to stand firmly on both our feet ....or until we took a few steps without falling .......or until we learnt to climb up the high places without anyone's aid .....or until we learnt to speak by listening to others....a million examples. imagine where we would ve been had we not tried, fallen, cried, tried n tried n tried until we succeeded. we might never have learnt to walk if we'd given up!

why then do we shy off easily from challenges as grown ups? why are we so reluctant to try again in the face of failure? why do we give up?

let's be like the babies we once were and work at all our challenges and problems with single-minded determination.