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Wednesday, 10 October 2007

All Alone

All Alone

Traipsing on the path of
Life’s tedious journey
In a silent mourn……………..
Surrounded by people,
Jostled and pushed,
Sometimes even thrown…
Yet, in this sad melee
And maddening crowd,
My mind is all alone……………..
Stabbed and seared
A thousand times,
With pains that need to be borne
Obliviously yet, it
Trudges forward,
Resigned, weary and all alone…………..
Bursting at the seams
With feelings to be expressed
Love and hatred to be shown
But no one to share them with,
No vent to make them known……….
Sometimes, the frustration
Does take its toll,
And painful tears have flowed
At times, madness seems to seize,
But that too is outgrown………
My mind continues
Down this desolate path,
Though it’s tired and worn………..
Perhaps it will find
The happiness it seeks,
Waiting somewhere, unknown…………..



Kunal Gautam said...

The poem you wrote many times ago.... seems fitting my mindset too....
beautiful chiseling of words......
why Do u NOT post regularly?

Anita said...

thanks kunal! i am thinking of seriously being regular here! lots to put down.......all filed away among the grey cells in the head. let's see.