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Sunday, 8 March 2015


IT…began to get restless
within the confines of its imprisonment.
Loathed the conventional rules
that Life strapped it to.
Trapped as it was, under the mortal debris of cells.
Of blood. And nerves.
Of the glittering cloak called ‘Personality’
that was pruned and conditioned as she grew.
Wrought to look ‘Impressive’.
Fashioned into ‘Acceptable.
Polished to be ‘The Best’.
Actually duped!  
Into believing that all this was the Key to a happy life.

IT…soon knew.
Saw through the sham and make-believe.
And began to despise its futile existence.
It tried to revolt.  Rebellious…Protesting.
Looking for a deviation.
To cut a path of its own making.
Paved with cobblestones of its own beliefs.
Doing what it always wanted to do.
Not having to bow to conformity.
 Or to prove itself all the time.
To be accepted. And understood.
To revel in the beauty of its own identity.

But the shackles restrained. Denied freedom. 
IT… was pinioned by the handcuffs of the hypocrite society.
Held down by the manacles of fake relationships,
fake smiles and beliefs.
At times, it did connect.
with souls that felt likewise.
Understood and accepted.   
Alas, connections that perished sooner or later,
sometimes owing to distance.
At others, conformity to ‘acceptable’ societal norms.
Hell, even arrogance prevailed in some!
It was eventually misunderstood.
And again, left all alone.

IT…continued to suffer in silence.
Subdued. Hurt.
But ‘giving in’ to Life in quiet compromise.
Until it could bear no longer.
Sacrifice its identity no more.
Fidgeting and uneasy,
It tried to pull itself free of the constraints
that bound it.
Tugging. Tearing itself to shreds, but not giving up.
In anguish, it screamed!
 A cry of pain that no mortal human could hear.
But the grief that prevailed,
slowly swelled. And ballooned
into a mushroom like cloud.
Spilling out in torrential exodus.

Spreading quickly through the length and breadth of the
human frame that contained it.
Extending over flesh and nerves and all the interstices,
Until it reached the domain of Thought.
Suppressed rage turned it dominant.
It commanded Thought into action.
Even Hands conceded to its coercive force
in mute obedience.
They picked up……. and plunged!
The knife pierced the skin, drove past the ribs
slicing the fragile walls of the heart.
The walls had broken!
The handcuffs, manacles, pinions
and restraints finally came off in one
glorious snap,
Even as Body shuddered and Voice shrieked in pain.

IT…rose up from the bloodied confines.
Leaving behind the effluvium of everything that was human.
Emerging into the higher realm beyond.
Of Truth. Of Purity. Of Divinity.
It glowed. And basked in the bliss
of the realization that
Freedom was Life’s biggest lie,
Only in Death, was IT finally free.

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